Friday, March 9, 2012

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are both a way to communicate using new media. However, blogs and wikis are different. Blogs are a personal page where only the user is allowed to post what he or she wants to. It is a page where they are free to write whatever is on their mind. Wikis on the other hand are a collaboration of people and anybody can join and add things to the page.
Although blogs are used to speak your mind, this does not always lead to good things. The article in NY Times shows how vicious and destructive these blogs can be to people and sometimes they need to be stopped.
As stated before, wikis are more open to the public and people can join in and add things to the page. However, as the NY Times article states, some forms of wikis such as Diplomedia have some boundaries and not everyone can join in and write. They are capable of tracking down who wrote what and if they are part of the actual contributors.

This is honestly my first time using wiki so I am not sure what it has to offer so I do not know what new possible uses it should have.

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