Friday, March 9, 2012

Social Networking

Social networking is a big part of most people's everyday lives. We live in a world where our lives revolve around Facebook, twitter, etc. It shows up on the news, in newspaper, magazines and other places. Although it sounds like these websites are places for friends to chitchat, it is not always the case. According to Social Networking Boosts Job Recruitment, social networking does exactly what the title states. Websites such as linked in are making it easier for people to find jobs and for job recruiters to find employees. There are many benefits to social networking especially in the business world. Chuck Hamilton shows the advantages in What's Next? Your Future in Social Networking. He says that it became much easier to interact with people all over the world, to create virtual worlds and to get feedback from customers. I agree with him because personally I have witnessed my brother in law have a business meeting over Skype while he is at home with somebody from China. This saved him weeks worth of time and money. Previously, he would have to fly to China to have the same meeting. However, I do believe there is a dark side to social networking. I think people get too involved in websites such as Facebook and Twitter and put too much of their personal information into it. Checking into every location you go throughout the day is an invitation for some random creep to start following you. People need to start being more careful with what they post on the social networking sites. I cannot even imagine how much more evolved this websites are going to become in the future. If people already practically don't need to leave their houses to communicate with their friends or business partners, then I am scared to see what the future has in store.

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